New lives start here.
Abiona Centre* is a client-centered infant and early childhood mental health organization which supports pregnant and parenting adolescents, aged 13-25 and their babies who reside at the Centre or in the community.
We help young moms:
- Graduate high school, and pursue postsecondary education or job training
- Find safe housing, either at our centre or in the community
- Access a monthly housing subsidy (while funding is available) for apartments
- Learn to parent and bond with their children
- Heal from trauma and address mental health concerns
- Improve their life skills such as cooking and budgeting
- Build healthy relationship skills
- Access affordable, high quality childcare options
Each young mom who comes here is vulnerable and needs help. She has decided to keep her baby—but she doesn’t have the emotional, social or economic support to care for her baby. With your help, the Centre makes sure each young mom has access to prenatal and postnatal care, learns how to care for her baby, continues her education, and develops the skills needed to build a successful life and relationship with her baby.
When a mom leaves Abiona Centre she goes with new found confidence and belief in her potential and that of her child. Abiona Centre is inspired by the vision of being Toronto’s leading provider of infant and early childhood mental health services. With your support, the vision is not only possible but will be the experience of every adolescent mother and her child.
Indeed, new lives start here.
Pour les services en français, veuillez communiquer avec le Centre francophone de Toronto à http://www.centrefranco.org/
*The Massey Centre for Women carrying on business as Abiona Centre.

"Abiona Centre not only gave me the ability to care for my child, but the motivation to get what I wanted for my life - to have my daughter with me and to live independently."
Abiona Centre is a client-centred infant and early childhood mental health organization which supports pregnant and parenting adolescents, aged 13 – 25.