Michael Kuske
MICHAEL KUSKE has spent almost 2 decades working in senior sales and relationship management roles with 2 of Canada’s leading financial services providers, Mackenzie Investments and Manulife. His primary focus in these roles has been helping advisors make the best and most informed product choices for their clients. While at Mackenzie, Michael spent 5 years on the Mackenzie Investments Charitable Foundation grant selection committee. Michael and his family have also provided volunteer respite care for young families over the last 8 years. Michael is committed to helping organizations that are focused on the education and well-being of children.
As at June 6, 2022

"Abiona Centre not only gave me the ability to care for my child, but the motivation to get what I wanted for my life - to have my daughter with me and to live independently."
Abiona Centre is a client-centred infant and early childhood mental health organization which supports pregnant and parenting adolescents, aged 13 – 25.